Nursing STEPSSharing Tips, Experiences, Possibilities, and Strategies, is a support program for recent grads and current nursing students.
We currently have sessions planned on how to study, test-taking skills, time management, reviews for specific content areas, writing papers, skill review, communication, critical thinking, interviewing, and an NCLEX review.
Additional topics can be added based on need and interest. There is also information on various nursing scholarships and fellowships, and working to gather listings for job and intern positions.
Need one-on-one or group coaching, support, assessment, or supervision? We have experienced nursing educators, clinicians, managers, and researchers who want to help you succeed. Looking for a way to give back or to help other students? We have many opportunities for community service, service learning, and peer mentoring.
Nursing STEPS hopes to be a one-stop shop for minority nursing students who wish to network and learn from other nurses to grow and develop as professional registered nurses. You want to be part of Nursing STEPS. That’s easy! Become a member of KYANNA BNA. Student memberships are only $60.00 per year. You will be eligible to participate in all of the programs offered for free, or at a reduced cost. You also will be eligible for all member benefits afforded to all other KYANNA and NBNA members.
Complete the mentee application and needs assessment. This information will help us identify programs and skills that you need or want to focus on and help us find the best mentor for you. Once completed, you will be matched with an individual mentor who will work with you, in addition to your participation in organized group instructional, review, and mentoring sessions.
What the program hopes to provide:
ü Access to individuals and resources to support enhance learning
ü Opportunities to gain a realistic perspective of nursing from the academic and working environments
ü Networking with other minority nursing students, nurses, and community professionals
ü Professional tutoring
ü Information on professional standards, practices, and workplace “do’s and don’ts”
ü Help in learning to set priorities and establish school-life-work balance
ü Gaining confidence in, and recognition for, your achievements and goal attainment in nursing
What the program is not:
An option or excuse for you not to follow your institutional policies, procedures, handbook, guidelines, or course syllabi. Our mentors are committed to guiding and supporting you as a young nurse and future peer, to the extent that you are responsible in complying with and completing your individual program requirements. The program developer and mentors will not be your “savior”, “parent”, “parole officer”, or that “friend” that only tells you what you want to hear. What a nurse mentor is:
Our nurse mentors are nurses and nursing students who have expressed a commitment to developing future nurses. They are skilled in supporting, coaching, and guiding others. They embody nursing and the profession and want to share their knowledge and experiences with others. They will be a friend, guide, listener, role model, resource, advocate, facilitator, and challenger.
This is an open invitation to all nursing students in Kentuckiana. Please share with your peers. For information, send an email to or a friend request at to be added to the group.
We hope that you will consider taking the STEPS being offered to help you succeed in nursing